About Alian Skills
How does Alian Skills work?
Alian Skills is a personal diagnostic tool which measures the ‘application of knowledge’ rather than only testing knowledge. This is achieved through an accessible online system which identifies an individuals strengths and weaknesses. This will result in the production of a training needs analysis report allowing you to ‘train gaps’ without having re-cover areas you are strong in.
Our Frequently Asked Questions page can help you find answers to common questions
The CPD Process
We use timed, online tests to assess your current level of knowledge across a variety of skills. These can be taken anywhere you are able to get online, from your work place to the comfort of your own home.
When the test is complete you will receive detailed results on your performance as well as feedback highlighting strong and weak areas in your understanding.
Armed with your results and feedback we are able to supply you with details of recommended training providers who can help to fill in the gaps in your knowledge.
Training Providers
We can recommend training providers throughout the UK
Our extensive list of training providers covers the length and breadth of the UK, meaning you will always have access to local training to improve areas of your professional knowledge. As part of our service we will recommend training providers to you based on your test scores and location within the UK.
Our Virtual Academy
The Automotive Industry is unrelenting in its introduction of new technologies our industry is changing like never before.
Our Virtual Academy we support motor vehicle technicians in their endless race to stay up to date with these latest changes. Enhancing their knowledge and expertise and bringing manufacturer level knowledge and skills to the aftermarket.

Recognise your strengths and weaknesses through an easy to access system at a time that is convenient with you, register now and get ahead of the competition. Advance your knowledge and skills to increase your income.

Recognise the strengths and weaknesses of your staff, improve the knowledge and skills within your business, increase efficiency and make more money. Track the skills and knowledge in your organisation and promote to your customers. Register your business now to start to advance your business.
Contact Us
If you need more information, please don’t hesitate to contact us about any aspect of Alian Skills.
We also have a Frequently Asked Questions section to help you quickly answer common questions.